Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Real Housewife of St. Mary's County

Given a combination of about 5 things, I'm now (temporarily--until I find a job in a small town) trying my hand at housewiving--a stay at home mom, minus the kids, but with the foxhounds.  Despite being bored, lacking inspiration since the Feb move, etc, I'm not really doing a great job at it.  I am giving my pups plenty of lovin' and interaction, yes, but I'm letting dinner go to the wayside, not keeping up with the dishes, and the only reason at all I'm doing laundry in a timely manner is that I have a new Samsung washer and dryer with steam and vibration reduction technology (a consolation prize for moving?).  In fact, this is the only housewife-ish duty I'm fulfilling, and it sums up my daily hours in a complete nutshell. So, this is my first post for my first real attempt at blogging so that perhaps, if I'm online accountable, I'll give life in Leonardtown, MD (strides smaller than the restaurant ridden streets and jobby life in Norfolk) a real, fighting shot.  I'm going to share the things that grab my attention, inspire thought, etc.  Being that I've lived in the weight room and in my running shoes since 15 yrs of age, fitness and nutrition will rear their heads in this blog.  Since I'm TRYING to answer with conviction on a daily basis my husband's daily inquiry into what's for supper, I'll probably track some intriguing recipes as well.  Because I am obsessed with clothes and shoes, I will definitely snap some shots or post some fashion inspiration, tips, or advice requests in this blog.  As well, I'm in love with indoor decor and outdoor floral.  Guess where you can find my take on those two things?  I am also smitten with my dogs (two adopted foxhound-ish things who lie in the center of who I am and my current purpose in life).  True to my English teaching roots, great book finds and great book loves of my life will appear from time to time.  So, brace yourselves for the random disorganized (in an organized way) thoughts that flow throughout these pages.  Hopefully, you'll find some inspiration (or hopefully a soul or two will find my page in the first place), and with some luck, by letting my inner self flow somewhat publicly, I'll regain a thirst for life in a new, smaller town, and shed this strange boredom and idleness that I hope to never let take over me again. It's been two months since I've moved into my new life; it's time to live it!
Welcome to my blog!

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